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What is email in English || Full form of email and Advantages of email

The whole world knows that what is called email is known. Every person is known that what is email. Because these email program are used by many people like us in our everyday life. Many people use email every day to send a message to their friends, family members. Most people keep checking their email accounts throughout the day, using email for official work. They use it to sign up in many websites, they use it in many such works . The email address is a virtual address for all of us when viewed address for all of us when viewed on an equal basis.

And this is the biggest form of communication in the present times. It is a lot of professionally employed in place of phone and mail. So today i thought, why should all of you people be provided with information regarding what is email, if any doubts are left in you then it will be resolved till the end of the article. Then without delay, let's start and know what the email address.

What is E-Mail

Full form of E-mail is electronic mail. It is additionally referred to as e-mail or electronic mail. It is a type of  digital message that a user uses to communicate with another user. This email can also contain text, files, images, or any attachments, which can be sent through the network to a specific individual or group of individuals.

What is email in English || Full form of email and Advantages of email

This email is typewritten from the keyboard rather than pen and paper and sent through the e-mail consumer. Email addresses have a custom username at the beginning followed by the domain name of the email service provider, which contain an @sign that separates the two. For example........Name as you

History of E-Mail

Do you know who invented email? The world's first e-mail was sent for the first time in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson. Tomlinson had sent that e-mail message, in which he had written some text, which was "QWERTYUIOP". At constant time, despite causing the e-mail to you, that e-mail message was transmitted through ARPANET. That is why he is also called the Father of E-Mail. In 1996, more electronic mail was spent in place of postal mail.

Basic information about E-Mail.

Let's know about some basic functions of email.

1. Sending the E-Mail : Once your email is over and you have also written the email address of the recipient, then if you send it then your directed recipient or recipients get the email. 

2. E-Mail Transport: E-mail servers transmit messages from sender to recipient. SMTP is the name of the protocol that is used to send email messages, and POP, IMAP servers are needed to understand how to download electronic mail into your E-Mail Client.

3. Fetching new mail: If a new mail arrives in your mailbox, then you simply have to tap on it or click it to open it and from this you can read the message, as well as view the attached files in it can.

How to send E-Mail.

E-Mail Program:

Do you want to send and receive email? To send and receive email messages, you'll be able to use associate E-mail program that is additionally referred to as associate E-mail consumer. For Example Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird. When you use an email client, you should have a server to store and deliver your messages, which are provided by your ISP and in some cases sent by other companies. An E-Mail client has to be connected with the server to download the new e-mail, the emails that are stored online are automatically updated when you visit the site.

What is email in English || Full form of email and Advantages of email

E-Mail Online:

It's an alternative nation to send and receive to email. It says people also call online e-mail service or webmail. Example of, Gmail and Yahoo Mail. Most online email services are freed and you just have to make a free account to use.

What is written in E-Mail?What are the useful parameters in it?

When an E-Mail message is written, then there are some criteria, with it there is also a lot of technical terms in E-mail, which is very important to know about. Let's know more about parameters:-

1. The first would be the same place where you have to do the E-Mail address type of that person you are sending message.

2. The second happens from field which should be your E-Mail address.

3. If you are sending reply to an email, then to and from the fields automatically become filled out; If this a happen new message, then you have to manually fill all things.

4. In the same subject you have to write something about the content of E-mail, which describes the email content, This is the only subjects which reminds the recipient of which e-mail is in the subjects of which it is opened without open and read the full e mail. Well it is field optional.

What is email in English || Full form of email and Advantages of email

5. There is a field CC ("Carbon Copy") to specify those recipients who allows the user of the user, which does not send direct email but when he does not these fields are also optional. 

6. Then BCC  ("Blind Carbon Copy") field, it also happen similar like CC, but remains recipients secrete in it. All BCC recipient will get email but they will not be able to see that and whom have also got its copy. By the way, the email of the addresses will definitely be show, which has been sent to the original email. These fields are optional email.

7. At the end Message Body is the location where you do your Mail Message type. It contains your signature in the bottom such as in a hand-written letter.

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When is an e-mail addresses valid?

There are many rules that they have become valid only on e-mail address followed

  • As i have already said, it is necessary to have a username in an e-mail, after which @ (at sign) and after that Domain name in which a domain suffix.
  • There should not be longer than username 64 Characters Long, and Domain name should not be longer than 254 characters.
  • A @ Sign should be in e-mail address.
  • Space and Special Character in Email: ( ) , : < > \ [ ] is allowed. Sometimes Space, Backslash, and Quotation Mark also goes but should be a forward slash before. Also, some e-mail providers do not allow these character to be valid.
  • These Username and E-Mail Addresses can not be begin or end from a whole thore with a period.
  • There should not be two or more consecutive periods in E-mail.

What is Alternative E-mail?

Hopefully you have to understand what the email id is. Often we see the option of alternative email during filling forms. Alternate Email means with Main Email if you have any other email id then you can also mention it here. Like Alternate Phone number is just like Alternate Email address.

Advantage of E-mail

Just like we have a physical address where we live, email address is our virtual address. If somesone wants to contact us online then he can send us a message via email, which will reach us immediately. That is why all the email service are used nowdays.

1. Speed:- The delivery speed of these emails is very fast. With this, people get information immediately. The same people can communicate easily with each other.

2. Convenience Provides: Emails are a very convenient method for quick communication. Where you had some time in the phone, you have to hold the phone and together you have to be forced to have a lengthy conversation. In the same email, you'll be able to remark your issue instantly and additionally get a reply.

3. Can send attachments: Due to the attachment feature in it, you can attach anything to the file with email. With this you do not need to send that thing separtely.

4. There is accessibility: Email accounts are like large folders, they are not only for private message but also for files and other important information. So good email client make it easy for clients to organize, archive, and search through emails, whereas any information that is in the email is always easily accessible.

5. A Record: Email records all your conversation. So you can watch those conversation like a record anytime. If possible, you can also print them out. Together, it will remain online until you intentionally delete them.

6. Unlimited space and time: Unlike texting, you get unlimited space to write as much as you want in an email. With this, you'll write these emails by taking the maximum amount time as you wish, before causing them you'll revise them. 

7. Free communication is: Unlike other forms of communication, such as long distance calling and physical mail message, most email provider provide users with free access to an email account. You can pick up your email address, and from that email id you can send and receive all electronic mail that is sent to you. Also, you do not have to spend a single penny for this.

8. Security: These email service are million of times safer than physical mails. It is designed specifically for privacy and security, it has login id and password to open email. Which can only be opened with correct email password.

Disadvantage of E-mail

There are many advantages of emails, but along with it there are some advantage about which we will know below.

1. Internet Connection is required to send or receive emails.

2. We cannot send files of very large size in emails. It has a limit.

3. In emails we cannot send all types of files to formats. Such as .exe

4. Emails are a type of spam, due to which there is more of these spam mails in our inbox, it makes us smile to find the right emails.

What can be sent in Email?

By the way, email was used to send text message. But in today's time we can send some files by attaching them with email. For example, we can send picture, PDF, word processor document, video, program or any other file with email. But due to some security issues, only certain types of files can be sent. For example, some companies block .exe files. Due to which you have to convert them to. zip file first to send .exe file and then you can send them via e-mail only. There is also restriction on the files size in Emails. For example, files larger than 25 Mb cannot be sent to Gmail.


I hope you have liked this article (What is Email). It has always been my endeavor to provide complete information about the history of email to the readers, so that they do not have to search in any other sites or net within the context of that article. This additionally save their time and that they will also get all the knowledge in one place. If you have got any doubts concerning this text otherwise you need that there ought to be some improvement in it, then for this you'll write down comments. If you liked the way to send this post email or got to learn something, then please share this post on social networks such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter etc.

What is email in English || Full form of email and Advantages of email

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