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What is Digital Signature and How it works || its advantage and disadvantage.

What is Digital Signature and How it works || its advantage and disadvantage.

We all known that what is signature.The common defination of signature is that the person which are person which are agree to given document ,language and given right in the document. It is a proof of your acception. No one claim you. But in this article we understand the signature in the advance level called Digital signature. Signature used in most of the fields like check book , land document etc. The value of the signature is more in now a days. Signature shows your acceptation mean that you are agree for this field.

But have you ever though that the someone hack your signature. That is the big scard of modern people. Most of the people hack someone signature and steals his money from the bank. But in today's time there is no need to be afraid of this because At this time our community formed a Digital Signature instead of Physical Signature. So In this article we are understand about what is Digital signature in decription. Now lets get started.

What is Digital Signature.

It is technique to identify the truth of the document. It is used to identify that the given document is  genuine or authentic(yes or not). It is made in such type that they can easily determine the any mistake which are written in the given document.  the development of electronic document is also identify and we get knowledge of its status.

What is Digital Signature and How it works || its advantage and disadvantage.

 A valid digital signature make us relief that the sender of this document is our familiar and the sender cannot even turn its back because the digital signature proved that the who is sender. A digital signature is called standard elements which are use in most of the cryptographic protocol suites and used in software distribution, Financial Transaction and contract Management software etc platform used this digital signature to find culprit.

Digital Signature is based upon Public key cryptography it is also called Asymmetric Cryptography. That is generate two keys by using public key algorithm such as RSA. To develop digital signature by using signing software first one way hash is made for such electronic data you want to make signature. Than by using private key encrypt the hash. This Encrypted hash and the such information added to it that is termed as Digital Signature. Out of full massages we can encrypt hash only because with the help of hash function we can easily convert into arbitary input to fixed length value which are suitable for it which is usually smaller than other.

By this we can save time because hashing is so faster as comperison to signing.

The value of Hash is unique if we look at the hashed data. If some change come into this data, Even if a character is manipulated then only some other value or change will be shown in the result. This feature enables others to decipher the integrity of the data by using the public key of the signer to decrypt the hash. If descrypted hash show similarity with other computed hash till they gives result that no one change take place. If this two hash does not show similar data so that it is possible some change takes place between them. Now we can't trust on it.

Now I want to understand you by giving a simple example. suppose 'A' is a men! He is want to send his document to another person 'B'.
  • A document that needs to be digitally signed has a hash function (a small program) applied and produces a numbered sequence called a hash.
  • Then after that hash is to be encrypt with the "Sender Private key"

Then after doing this the given document has been digitally signed.Then after that is send to another person.
that Signed document is received by second person "B" Now the second person must do some important work to check the authenticity of signed documents.

  • Firstly he had to use hash function on the document in which we will get hash (whom we also called H1).
  • Second step they had to decrypt the signed document by using "Sender Public Key" and whereby we eill H2.

Now in this comparing of H1 and H2 occurs. If H1 and H2 give result similar so we can say confidently that the document is genuine and original.

Digital Signature under the Indian Law.

Now this qusetion is definitely coming in the mind of the people. wheather or not this digital signature is certified by our indian law. Don't be fear i am hear! I give you full knowledge about it.

What is Digital Signature and How it works || its advantage and disadvantage.

According to the Section 3 Information Act,2000( which had been updated till 2008) they refers digital signature is legal. In Section 35 that has been fully described with better language that is identify that which document will give result certifying Authority issue "Digital signature certificate" if till someone applicant generate the digital signature.

What deference between the Digital Certificate and Digital Signature.

 Let me tell you that digital certificate is used to verifying trustworthiness in website while Digital Signature is used to verifying document.

Is it safe to use Digital certificate.

  • In this reference we can say that till you have perivate key untill then your Digital certificate be safe.
  • For Your information,tell you that private keys are generated and stored in FIPS compliant cryptographic tokens,So it is impossible to temper. we can say that the private key is develop in that cryptographic token,stay there and it is also dead there and it does not outside by leaving its place.
  • During the digital signing it is necessary to use private key to that is used in software for this it is necessary to you have pin. so it is important to secure both of them cryptographic token as well as pin.
  • This is the reason that is too much safe because to access in the digital signature of someone it is necessary to you have cryptographic Token as well as pin.

Advantage of Digital Signature.

  • The Digital Signature is responsible for stop tampering and imparsonation with digital document.By the help of it we can determine the digital document that the document is real or fack. It is most important for public service they gives satisfaction to the people that his money is safe now under Digital signature.
  • No one has power to hack digital signature.
  • Digital signature find culprit fastly who one try steal money of someone account.

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The most important advantage mentioned below. 

⇨ Authentication: As we known that the digital signature is linked with private key of someone user and therefore those user can used it which have private key which are linked with digital signature by this reason we can easily identify the real owner of document.

⇨ Integrity: If little change is seen in the single bit after digital signing so we can say that the document is not for trust. someone trying to hack

⇨ Non- Repudiation: If a user has done his digital signing in a document, then later he cannot turn away from this. This is because the signature of any user cannot be thrown using public keys.

Digital Signature V/S  Paper Signature

  • If we compare both Signature digital signature and paper signature which one is more safe so without any doubt we can say that the digital signature is more safe as compare to paper signature. Because the paper or ink signature easily hack by someone while in compare to digital signature is so difficult to hack. No one user can hack digital signature. 
  • This is so because in the digital signature a electornic identity called cryptographically is bind in the electronic document and it is difficult to hack or copy.
  • Digital signature is the advance technology to secure our money and account from someone hackers. Digital signature is used in Bank for windralling money.


If talk about modern session most of the modern Email programs are developed in the market which is support to Digital Signature or digital certificate and it increase sending capacity of Eamil from one place to another. I request to all readers that this article share to your familiar by which we can develop self awarness to each other by reading this article because most of the hacker is developed which are trying to hack your money from the bank account so i request to all readers safe your money from hackers by applying digital signature on your document.

Digital signature is the most important security of now a days for your documents. If you thick what benifit you get by applying this signature so i tell you that they secure your money as well as your property paper no one hack or copy signature.It is act as guard for your documents.  

What is Digital Signature and How it works || its advantage and disadvantage.

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