By the 1930s,"technology" referred not only to the study of industrial arts, but also to the industrial arts themselves.
In 1937 , American sociologist Reid Bain wrote that "technology includes all the tools, machines, utensils, weapons, equipment, housing, clothing communication, and transportation equipment and skills by which we produce and use them."
Scientists and engineers generally prefer to define technology as applied science, rather than the things that people create and use.
Dictionaries and scholars have presented a variety of definition. The Merriam-Webster learners Dictionary provides the definition of the term:"the use of science in industry, engineering,etc., to invent useful things or solve problems".
Ursula Franklin gave another definition of the concept in her 1989 lecture on "Real World of Technology"; "It's practice, the way we do things around here and there."
The term is often used to prefer to a specific area of technology, or to refer to high technology rather than technology overall, or just consumer electronics.
Technology can be broadly defined as both material and non-material, created by the application of mental and physical efforts to gain some value.
In this usage, technology refers to device and machine that can be used to solve real-world problems.
It is a far-reaching term that may include simple device, such as crowbars or wooden spoons, or more complex machine, such as space station or particle accelerators.
Tools and machines do not need to be physical; Virtual technologies, such as computer software and business method, fall under this definition of technology.
W. Brian Arthur defines technology as broadly as "a means to accomplish a human purpose."
The term "technology" can also be used to refer to a collection of technologies. In this context, it is the current state of humanity's knowledge of how to combine resource to produce desired products, to solve problems, meet needs, or satisfy them; It include technical methods, skills, processes, techniques, equipment and raw materials.
When it is combined with another term, such as "medical technology" or "space technology",it refers to the knowledge and equipment status of the relevant field. "Cutting edge technology" refers to the high-tech available to humanity in any field. Gradually different things started to be invented but the main era of technology and invention came in the 18th century when the industrial Revolution started and machine were invented and different types of development and production began.
The industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, and many technological innovation were of British origin. By the mid-18th century Britain was the world's leading commercial nation, controlling a global trading empire with colonies in North America and Africa, and exerting some political influence on the indian landmass through the activities of the East India company. The growth of trade and the rise of trade were the major cause of the Industrial Revolution.
New knowledge has enabled people to create new things,and on the contrary, many scientific efforts have been made possible by technologies that help humans travel to places they could not before, and scientific instruments. Through we study nature in more detail than our natural senses.
If we look into the mid-20th century, the internet did not have access and it was difficult for people to communicate with each other and had problems with their businesses, but with the invention of the internet, people were able to interact via Skype could Facebook, live streaming etc. And now people can do online banking, which has eliminated many problems for businessman.
As more current technologies dominate each other and some become more developed, consumers and businesses can expect to see more opportunities with future technology. Technology will be faster, will have the ability to achieve more and anything will become more streamlined to make it easier to complete.
You will hear more and more about the "internet of things" now and in the future. The deeper we delve into technology, the more we feel that we are trying to merge the physical and virtual worlds together. Smart speakers, smart homes, and even smart cars are the technological wave to ride in the future, but this is just the beginning. In other words, the future is happening now. or at least, the sooner you think, the sooner he will be there.
Technology is constantly changing and it sometimes takes a lot of effort to pursue a changing goal. Just remember-keeping up with technology increases the value of your business.
Staying up-to-date helps to ensure that you do not lose opportunities, become irrelevant or fall behind your competitors.
Remember Kodak? He taught all of us an invaluable lesson: Don't afraid to adopt change.
Technical history is joined to the history of science. Since technology uses resources, technological history is tightly linked to economic history. From those resources, technology produces other resources, including technological art facts used in everyday life.
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Advantage of Technology wikipedia
In modern times, technology has the following advantage:
Home Ticket Booking: Nowadays, in the internet age, technology has made our lives much simpler. Now you can buy train, plane and bus tickets sitting at home. Apart from this, now you can get trainee status, delay status, other information from any apps.
Home education: Currently students can do different types of courses online. Thus, it has become possible to get education from home. Today, many websites do not work of teaching on YouTube. Students can study by watching videos sitting at home. Now there is no need to study tuition, coaching by paying expensive fees.
Free calling and free video facility: Now companies like Jio, Vodafone, Idea are offering good and free video and calling facility at a low fee. Nowadays we can talk in unlimited amounts to our friends and loved ones. Earlier this was not possible because phone service were very expensive. Now we can watch the video free in our phone or computer. Now we can talk to any person sitting in any corner of the world by calling or video calling.
Work of house become easy:-Application like ovens, mixer grinders, refrigerators, induction stoves have made the kitchen work simple. Today's housewife does laundry with washing machine. This way his hard work survives.
House lights:- Now LED technology bulbs have come on the market which give more light with very less power. This way saves electricity reaches every village in the country. People have saved electricity expenses. People from each village and town are victimization solar power technology. Solar energy technology is extremely inexpensive and economical.
Cheap Fuel:- Now most of the women in the country have started cooking on gas. This doesn't create them smoke, their health has improved. With the assistance of contemporary technology, new gas deposits are discovered. Techniques also are being created to form LPG from scrap and waste.
CNG gas is currently getting used in buses, autos and different vehicles in each subway town. This has reduced air pollution.
Protection from diseases:- Now-a-days, treatment of incurable disease like dengue, malaria, measles, venereal diseases, Tuberculosis, asthma, prenatal and postnatal diseases, hepatitis, sugar have been found. Everyday new research and discoveries are being made in modern medicine. We have benefited a lot from this. With the introduction of new medical technology, there has been a decline in mortality in india.
Disadvantage of Technology wikipedia
In modern times the series has the following disadvantages:-
Deadly Smart Phone Games:- Violence, crime, bloodshed video games are playing every child these days. How many kids have committed suicide by taking part in games like Blue Whale, Momo. 250 children have died in studies by playing a game called "Blue Whale".
Sometimes it seems that if we do not develop this much in our warnings, it is good. Therefore all children should only use phones and computer for education and studies. Computer, phones are accustomed browse creative activity of kid sexy films.
Pornographic content on Computer and smart phones:- Today, even small school children are addicted to smart phones, and the internet. Computers, phones are accustomed browse creative activity of kid sexy films.
Loss of education:- Now-a-days children paying attention to their studies. He sticks on the phone or computer all day. The work and responsibility of the child home has also started to be avoided. All the time is to be destroyed on social media.
Children will benefit greatly if they use their precious time to study. Their future will be bright. On social media platforms like facebook, instagram, whatsApp, children are westing our time in chatting and watching videos. In this way, their studies are being lost.
Money stolen from bank account:- Now-a-days hackers steals explosives by throwing away our internet bank account. Such news keeps on coming days. Some thieves steals our money by changing ATM cards, making phones. In this way, the dates have also increased our problems. Today the robbers and the thread harass us through fake times. Our bank account number, password, OTP number are asked
Misuse of social media:- Now-a-days boys molest, rape, and make videos from phones. Later, through this video, the girls are blackmailed and arbitrarily again. When girls celebrate, they threaten to viral such videos on social media.
In this way, anti-social element have started taking advantage of technologies incorrectly. Many times when the rape video gets viral on facebook, whatsapp, the girls commit suicide due to shame and disrespect. Many girls in the country have done this.
Accidents and illnesses:- Now-a-days many companies are making cheap phones. On some days, one of the customer' phone breaks while talking and he is seriously injured. Apart from this, keeping the phone in excess of the limit is causing fatal disease due to radiation. The disease like cancer is spreading.
Dependance on Technology:-
We all known that whole world is depend upon the the technology.Most of the people become weak from body due to dependance on the technology they do not work himself. Technology cause weakness on the society. Technology has a great advantage but in second we can say that it is a curse for the society. Technology makes human hard-work easy. Technology cause lot of pollution. Technology make easy every work which are doing by human. Technology provide satisfaction. In human, technology is used in everyday life such as fan, electricity etc.
It is important to give knowledge about it because most of the child lost their study by spending or losting their time in the chatting and playing games in phones it cause due to technology. Technology attract the child as well as adult.No daubt that Technology provides lot of benifit. Technology make the people careless and weakness body.
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